Friday 27 July 2012


So yesterday I realised again just how much of a fan-girl I am.  This happened when, after a gruelling 3 and a half hour pole session, we ended up talking about pregnancy and how it affects the body.  I mentioned that, all things considered, Zoraya had 2 kids and looks AMAZING, and was met with a blank stare...  It got me thinking about how I facebook stalk my favourite pole-dancers, and how I try and watch as many videos as humanly possible of said dancers.  And then I realised that there may be many other polers out there, who want to expand their pole horizon, but don't know who to start looking for (in terms of finding some outstanding poling.  We all know there are some pretty terrible videos out there...).  So I decided that every now and again, I will post a blog about one of the amazing performers out there, with some photo's and links.  Educating the masses (of pole dancers) - yay me!!!

So.  First on the list will have to be Zoraya Judd.  Her balance of absolute power and elegance has fascinated me since I first saw one of her videos over a year ago, and I still find her amazing to watch.  Zoraya is the perfect example of "It's never too late..." - she's 31, and as mentioned, has 2 children.  Instead of rehashing her numerous accomplishments, I'm posting a couple of links that will give you pretty much all you need to know about Zoraya (as a starting point, of course... :P ).

Zoraya's website:

Zoraya's profile on the IPC 2012 website (with the routine that gave her Pole Art Runner-up in the IPC 2012 competition):

And then, of course, some photo's of the Awesome Zoraya... :D

 The fabulous Z...

Zoraya's magnificent Jade... 

Zoraya is absolutely the QUEEN of handsprings...  I'm somehow convinced that she could easily hold a handspring for 5 minutes...  Think it's because she makes it look so damn easy!  But maybe I'm biased... Lol!!! 

 Zoraya and her amazingly doting and dedicated husband, Nic.

 I hope you have fun reading up and looking at some of these videos!  Enjoy!

Thursday 28 June 2012

The Oona Splits...

So yesterday, I managed to somehow master the Oona splits...  I'm not sure what possessed me to even try, but it worked!!!  And I am beyond thrilled!  I've noticed that when I get sulky, I try random moves and hope for the best, and in this case it worked.  And it wasn't even a once-off - I managed to redo it repeatedly with success!!!  And while my splits still suck and need a huge amount of work, at least I know that the logic behind the move is solid in my brain...  Which is a particularly comforting thought when one is hanging upside down with your head facing the ground and hanging onto the pole for dear life!!! lol!

(Obviously not me, but this post needed a picture...  Courtesy of the Pole Dance Dictionary...)

For a video of how to do the Oona splits, click on the link below...
Oona Splits